Buy Diving Mask
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What is the right mask for you?
Underwater masks and the best underwater glasses.
We help you choose the most suitable and best masks for diving based on brand and price. We also analyzed the properties of underwater spectacles.
What should I consider when buying a diving mask?
Before buying professional diving glasses or the best diving mask we need for our equipment, we need to check and consider a number of features before spending money.
Lens angle
Underwater masks with a slight angle have two advantages. On the one hand, the internal volume of the mask is reduced and, on the other, the lower field of view is increased. This means that it is easier to look down and good quality glasses are the first key to good vision.
With one or two lenses?
All glasses have one of these types of lenses. Mono-target masks appear more open because they have no frame on the nose bridge. However, their disadvantage is that they cannot be replaced by prescription lenses, while double lenses can easily be replaced.
The mask frame
Most underwater masks are equipped with a frame in which all other components (lenses, straps and buckles) are attached so that they can be easily removed for cleaning, repair or replacement.
The belt and the buckle
Every person is different, so the glasses come with a silicone band that keeps the skirt close to the skin. A good belt system is required for adjustment. There are several types, but the latest models have removed the buckle attachment point from the frame by integrating it into the skirt. This way the skirt seal is better.
Maintain the underwater mask
After each use, the glasses must always be rinsed with fresh water. Hot water has proven to be the most suitable solution for dissolving salt particles in our plants. After washing, allow to dry completely for a sufficient time, always in a cool and dry place. Are you ready to diving in Cuba?
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